Why I Recommend Taking Creatine

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No Matter what your fitness goals are, creatine can help!

So what is creatine? Creatine is a naturally occurring compound produced by the body to help muscles generate energy. It helps to increase ATP in the muscles, which in turn stores and transports energy in cells. The body uses ATP for quick explosive movements. When it uses ATP, a phosphate molecule breaks off and it turns into ADP. Creatine helps reattach the molecule. Studies have shown supplementing creatine can help increase lean muscle mass and improve athletic performance in short bursts of power, such as sprinting, jumping, and weightlifting. Research has shown simply taking creatine will not improve performance but requires sound training principles to elicit the potential performance benefits. Typical supplementation of this compound is four to six weeks with appropriate activity levels. Creatine users should follow the manufacturer’s recommended dosing protocol and may want to consider consulting with a dietician or physician prior to use.

Creatine monohydrate is THE most scientifically researched and backed supplement to be proven safe and effective. All in all, it helps with endurance which will have you training longer and harder. It also drives water to the muscle, and a hydrated muscle is a healthy muscle. You’ll see increased muscle size and feel an improvement in strength. The good news is you only need to take it once a day, preferably around workout time (but it can be taken on rest days as well). You don’t need to load it, or cycle off of it!

The brand I recommend is here

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